HomeNios D.El.Ed. WBA 513 Complete solution with all Rating scales in hindi PDF
Nios D.El.Ed. WBA 513 Complete solution with all Rating scales in  hindi PDF
Nios D.El.Ed. WBA 513 Complete solution with all Rating scales in  hindi PDF

Nios D.El.Ed. WBA 513 Complete solution with all Rating scales in hindi PDF

Product Description

D.El.Ed. 513 WBA According to NIOS official Program guide in hindi PDF. This file contains : 513.1 - Concept mapping in four subjects 513.2 - Art education, health education and work education activities 513.3 - School time table / Annual activity calendar 513.4 - School Community Relationship 513.5 - Seminar Presentation on RTE 2009 child rights and a Professional teacher 514.6 - Participation in Evaluation Process Rating Scales


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